Moving Experience
It's coming up to the heart of holiday season. LA has been cold (for LA) and wet (for LA) and beautiful. It feels like Christmas.
I wrapped up shooting on a new Facebook Watch series called "Date of Honor." It's a comedy about ridiculously rich people doing ridiculous things to keep from embarrassing themselves. I play the butler. Who has a butler. (Well, had a butler. Now it's a brother butler. You just have to watch). I'm not sure when it will stream but I hope you'll stay tuned to hear all about it. And watch it when it's out.
It was a great experience, as almost every acting job is, but it was hectic. Not only the shooting schedule but also our move into a new home. It's a thing of beauty and well worth the hecticism, but man it was chaotic for a while.
Chaos breeds opportunity. At least, that's what I think. While the inevitable slow down around Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year lurches upon us I have a little more time to unpack boxes, wrap presents, unwrap presents, put thing away and generally get my stuff in order. I guess you could call it a mixed blessing. Workless but not worthless. The time, that is.
I've come to realize that all things happen in order. Not always my order, but order. Looking back I see periods of professional inactivity gave me the opportunity to develop elsewhere. Maybe that's the answer. Work as modulation. What do you think?
This has been the best acting year of my life with more consistent work than any since my arrival in the Southland. I'm very excited for what's a-comin'.
I hope you'll come along.
Have a merry Christmas and be blessed.